DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL18.142

Authors: Dong-Joong Kim, Sang-Ho Choi, Younhee Lee and Woong Lim

Abstract: In this paper we propose a pedagogical model for teaching mathematics in the technology-based classroom. This model is structured around three key pedagogical areas that involve mathematics discourse. A summary table is provided which includes detailed pedagogical opportunities to enact in the classroom, the table also draws attention to the way the teacher’s technology-based pedagogy can transform the task, environment, and student affect. This model is useful as a conceptual framework to draw a clear and practice-based picture of the classroom discourse community actively using technology in their learning of mathematics.

Keywords: Technology, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Mathematical Discourse for Teaching (MDT), Technology-based Mathematical Discourse for Teaching (T-MDT)


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