GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR) (ISSN: 2010-4804)
Assessing Intercultural Communication Competence of the Filipino and American Managers
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.323
Authors: Alexei V. Matveev and Carmencita P. Del Villar
Board of Directors and Remuneration in Indonesian Banking
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.322
Authors: Hikmah Endraswati, Djoko Suhardjanto M and Krismiaji
Collection of Change Management Models – An Opportunity to Make the Best Choice from the Various Organizational Transformational Techniques
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.334
Authors: Syeda Asiya Zenab Kazmi and Marja Naarananoja
Determinants of Private Investment and The Effects on Economic Growth in Indonesia
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.333
Authors: Indra Suhendra and Cep Jandi Anwar
Diverse Workforce Supported Through `Transformational Leadership` Ensures Higher Operational Responsiveness
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.335
Authors: Syeda Asiya Zenab Kazmi, Marja Naarananoja and Josu Takala
Earning Management, Level of Voluntary Disclosure and Cost of Equity Capital: Empirical Study on LQ-45 Index Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia
DOI: 10.5176/2010-4804_3.3.318
Authors: Mohammad Adam, Mukhtaruddin and Rizky Amelia Puteri