DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.65
Authors: Kochiro Ishikawa, Masako Furukawa, Mamiko Shichida, Yutaka Saito
Abstract: In this paper, we focus on supporting learners under
e-learning environments involving e-learning 2.0. It is considered
very difficult issue to support under e-learning 2.0 environments
because of its informal, dynamic and interactive nature. On the
other hand, mainly in the field of language teaching and learning,
there is a concept named autonomy. We insist here that the
autonomy for e-mentors, who are experts to support learners in
e-learning courses, is important and should be discussed to
design effective learners support under especially e-learning 2.0
Keywords: e-learning 2.0; mentor; learner support; autonomy;
self-regulated learning (SRL)