DOI: 10.5176/2251-3701_3.1.116

Authors:  Sabina Kuc, Luidmila Ruban


The studying of natural water landscapes has a lot of ways and methods. Especially, it became important nowadays when the newest technologies and ideas stay on the position of protection and renovation of nature environment.
The main definition of techno-creation and understanding of its place today were given in the first part of the paper.
The second part shows the meaning of Water from Techno-Creative point of view as we look towards the main constructive tendencies. Through analysing the modern European buildings and objects of landscape architecture the new approaches to usage of "water" in contemporary architecture have emerged. This analysis of modelling space with three states of water (solid, liquid and vapour) constitutes the cornerstone of the research. The main water’s shapes and forms are studied.
The third part is dedicated to the further parallel development processes that could appear in modern architectural and landscape practice, which is strongly connected with water usage. In this field the trends of usage of water as the habitat environment may be investigated. Another approach can appear as a result of determination for the role and throughout discussing the challenges of landscape water objects in modern architectural practice.

Keywords: landscape architecture; techno-creation; water; landscape water objects

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