DOI: 10.5176/2251-3701_3.1.110

Authors:  Dr. Afaq Hyder Chohan


Contemporary urban land use planning is well-planned and managed program, led well-informed policies based on sustainable development principles. However, the rapid demographic and spatial transformation may prove to be difficult for cities in developing countries, where capacity is typically inadequate to cope with major urban challenges. Most of these challenges in developing countries include resource scarcity, over population, increasing poverty, slum growth, increased poverty, climate change, and safety and security concerns. But these concerns are quiet different in oil rich developing nations in Mediterranean region. This research has encompasses the development of road infrastructure particularly overpasses in developing nations and its inferences in urban fabric and social life of city. The end results of this research has sum up the overall learning from prevailing practice of utilizing the negative urban spaces in various regions and list up the possible reasons and solutions for developing negative spaces under overpasses.

Keywords: City infrastructure, city social aspect, urban land use, negative spaces under overpasses and bridges

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