Are technological and managerial innovation linked? An empirical study
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy15
Authors: Frédéric Le Roy, frMarc Robert Philippe Giuliani
Best Practices and Enablers of Customer- Intermediary-Carrier Logistics Partnership Success: Pharmaceutical Sector Perspective
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy17.19
Authors: Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues and Fathima Maleena Awn
Beyond survival: How do SMEs win new business and prosper? Towards a research agenda
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy16.10
Authors: David E Gray, Mark NK Saunders
Beyond The Image of Big Brother: Towards a Trustworthy, Autonomous and Collaborative Networked Organization
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy13.14
Authors: Ricky Yuk-kwan Ng, Heather Höpfl
Brand Dynamics in Rural Markets An Empirical Study
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy15.14
Authors: Dr. Rinalini Pathak Kakati and Shazeed Ahmed
Business model innovation in Switzerland: The unused potential
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1970_BizStrategy18.116
Authors: Stefan Philippi and Andreas Hinz
Business Strategy in a Conflict Region
DOI: 10.5176/978-981-08-8408-6_BizStrategy2011_11
Authors: Dr. Suhail Sami Sultan