DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP18.36

Authors: Zaoyi Sun, Pei Zhang, Xiuying Qian

Abstract: Our team conducted a series of studies on the user’s psychological profile which is shown in Figure 1. First the grounded theory and machine learning algorithms were combined to automatically provide each apps and smartphones with different types of needs they satisfied. Then, based on these results, the anonymous users’ App and smartphone usage record were used as preference weight to evaluate the user’s needs. Finally, the results were applied to predicate the user’s preference towards each brand by calculating the similarity between the user and brand’s needs vectors and showed good performance. As smartphones are in increasing use in CBT, these studies could be applied to the App’s design based on the user’s psychological profile, which could be used to improve the individual’s happiness.


Keywords: Cognitive load theory; human cognitive architecture; working memory; depletion effect; instructional procedures


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