DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP13.15
Authors: Ma. Concepción Rodríguez Nieto, Víctor Manuel Padilla Montemayor, José Armando Peña Moreno, Selene Acevedo Rayas
The purpose of the study was to detect and analyze the characteristics of remembrance and thinking future in the living space of the autobiographical memory in young university. The design of the research was not experimental, descriptive and mixed type. The sample was no probabilistic involving 100 students in a range of 16 to 27 years old. Autobiographical Memory Test of Williams [1] modified to include the dimension of future thinking was applied in a single session. Quantitative responses were worked by percentages and responses to open-ended questions were addressed through content analysis. Results showed that the remembrance is higher in specific events than in periods of life and future thinking is greater than in periods of life in specific events. In addition, we found that positive valence emotional was higher than negative valence in the remembrance of events and its components sensory perceptual of affective details, spatial location and temporary location. The remembrance in the space of life in the period of life predominated negative experiences and future thinking were positive projections. We suggested continuing the investigation with other populations and in other countries to confirm or modify these results.
Keywords: autobiographical memory, memory, future thinking, features the autobiographical focus, emotional Valence sensory perceptual