DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP13.11

Authors: Dr. UMA RANI


Recent literature on Learning disability suggests that the disorder may be more than academic deficit. Learning disabilities have been investigated extensively in the area of definition, diagnosis and treatment. Considerably less attention has been given to the personality of these children.

Aim: To find out the personality profile of children with Learning disabilities and examine the difference in the personality characteristics between children with Learning disabilities and normal children.

Methodology: In this study a total of 200 subjects (100 children with Learning disability and 100 normal children), in the age group of 10-12 yrs, educated up to 5-7th grade, constituted the sample. The subjects with Learning disability were selected on the basis of stratified random sampling method from different schools of Tirupati.

Tools: i) Learning disability Diagnostic Inventory (LLDI), ii) Bender Visio-Motor Gestalt Test, iii) Stanford-Binet Scale was used for screening purpose, vi) Children Personality Questionnaire and v) State Trait Anxiety Inventory for children (STAIC) were administered to all the subjects for measuring personality factors and anxiety level.

Result: Result showed that personality profile of children with Learning disability was significantly different from the normal children, Analysis of scores obtained on tests portrays that children with Learning disability had more problems in social and emotional adjustment. Significant gender effect has been envisioned among children with learning disability.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that learning disability adversely affected the personality of the children.


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