DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP19.70

Authors: Dr. Kaltam Gabor Alkuwari and Dr. Tarek Zidan

Abstract: The moment a patient is admitted to a hospital for surgery, certain factors such as life pressure with negative behaviors and emotions involved fear, anxiety and surgery declining. The problem exacerbates when the patient is a child depicting lack of sleep, and rejection of medical treatment as a whole not to mention the disregard of the physician's directions. Other negative behaviors include withdrawal, bedwetting, intense fear, and bursts of anger. Professional practice in hospitals relies on a working team of inter-disciplinary with the importance of the social worker in the transitional period. The team adopts several professional models to enable disorder interventions in children. One common model utilized is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy an effective treatment of mental disorders, in particular social disorders. Summarized in the abstract is the present research problem, identifying program indicators reducing children’s fears of surgical intervention through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The study considering the following: the first question is what are some children's disorders due to surgical intervention? In addition to the second question, what are
the indicators prevalent in a program designed to reduce children’s surgical intervention using the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
The present research is one of the basic research types providing basic information on phenomena and problems examined by researchers to find answers to theoretical questions. Results provided answers to research questions after review of related literature and previous studies. The researcher has concluded that it is of great importance to identify children's disorders related to surgical intervention with details of the suggested program to reduce and eliminate such fears using Cognitive Behavioral Treatment.

Keywords: Fear, surgical operations


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