DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP17.37
Authors: Lieve Beheydt, Bernard Sabbe, Livia De Picker, Jens Goetschalckx and Walter Daelemans.
Abstract: Computational language analysis can be a useful tool in the assessment of schizophrenia, which is currently for a large part subjective. Given the observed relations of language use with thought disorders, language analysis could play an important role in making the as-sessment more objective. We provide an overview of linguistic features implicated in schizophrenia that can be automatically ana-lyzed in a robust and accurate way given the current state of the art in natural language processing, and describe an explorative pilot study testing these features in the analysis of the language use of one schizophrenic patient.
Keywords: Computational Language, Schizophrenia, Linquistic analysis