DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP21
Authors: Mohammad Ali Taheri and Maryam Heydari
Abstract: In the world of science, man’s brain is considered as a super computer that commands over the body and directs all intellectual and vital paths of human beings. Now, there are some questions raised here. For example, a computer must be programmed by an operator (programmer) and then the same programs be used by the operator (user); thus no system can program itself and also use the same programs without the existence of an operator. Therefore, if we regard the brain as a super computer, we have to look for an operator. Is the operator a part of the brain or an independent section of it? Where is the neuron’s operator? Does a neuron consist of a separate brain? In that case, where is its operator located? Especially when no brain has yet been identified for the neuron.
It is clear that the neuron, which serves as a mere contactor or switch, is by no means capable of doing this. In fact some neurons control the automation system of the body, and as it will be discussed; we find that functions such as mental and creative passionate activities get their messages from a center other than the brain.
According to Faradarmani, an Iranian complementary medicine that is based on the theory of "Intelligent Bond" or "Common Consciousness of the Parts", the brain is the collection of antennae that transmit the information received from the different internal and external senses of the Physical body, to the different existing Bodies (such as Mental Body; the Perception division and Psychological body; the Emotions division), and also receive information from these Bodies and translate them into the language of Physical Body. In other words, the brain, in fact, reveals the orders it receives from the Psychological and Mental bodies and translates them into the language of the Physical body.
Keywords: Brain; Faradarmani; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Mental Body; Operator; Consciousness; Neuron , complementary medicines, Faradarmani , Psymentology, Interuniversal Consciousness, Fara-therapist, Neurodegenerative,Iran