DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP58

Authors: Laurie Brun, Annick Maincent and Robert Martin

Abstract: This article deals with the method developed to define and characterize the Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) and the support strategies of a driver support system to avoid truck’s on the road rollover. The design of this system is the purpose of the COROLA (COncrete mixer ROLlover Avoidance) project, currently funded with the help of the European Union FEDER2008. The COROLA system is based on anticipation of environmental data (satellite positioning, vehicle speed and navigation charts) and on vehicle usage profile (load, type of load, dynamic characteristics). A projective tool has been developed to facilitate access to the representations of rollover situations in the drivers. It is based on the dynamic video media on DVD. Several HMI of the system are illustrated through short video sequences, showing the curves crossing at different levels of rollover risk.

The used strategies of information processing are global, with the situation presented as a "whole" (bend, roundabout, etc.) and/or analytical, with the indication of some components of the situation (speed, direction of the curve, etc.). This method has been used in a study involving 68 professional drivers. The results allowed determining a HMI for a first mockup of the COROLA system, that will be assessed in a driving simulator.

Keywords: dynamic mental representations; Human-Machine Interface; anticipation; driver support system, rollover; heavy truck; video; driving support strategies.


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