DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP16.9

Authors: Petropavlovskaya Svetlana V. and Chiker Vera A.

Abstract: This paper focuses on the modern trends of museum psychology. The main goal is to show museum environment as a special social-psychological field. We conducted this study of museum environment investigated the museum cultural complex of St. Isaac Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). This paper presents key directions and social-psychological methods which were conducted by the museum employees of training and development department. We explored the assessment results of the heads of leading departments and employees working on official positions of “entrance” area. In total, in the survey by the “360 degrees pie chart”, 249 expert opinions were received and processed. We examined 1523 observation cards to conduct the monitoring of professional conduct ("Secret client”). Intercommunication training sessions that included 179 museum employees were explored to understand effective communication style. We carried out 516 visitors’ polls to assess service quality. Finally, we analyzed special psychological programs for visitors with disabilities and excursions for blind and visually impaired.


Keywords:  Isaac cathedral; museum complex; spilled blood; museum psychology; museum environment; cultural institution; service quality; personnel assessment; training programs.


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