DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP17.15

Authors: Mohammad Faizun, Brian Henson, Jongrae Kim and Donna Lloyd

Abstract: This study was intended to compare the roughness perception of visual and tactile stimuli with irregular pattern by emulating Julesz’s experiment on visual pattern discrimination. The visual stimuli were images that were created by adopting Julesz’s methods. The images were generated from black and white dots using the rule of transition probability of markovian. Three types of rules were used i.e.: first-, second-, and third-order transition probability. The transition probability for each orders was varied from 10{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465} to 90{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465}. Therefore, nine different images were produced for each order (or 27 images for all order). These images were then transformed by using computer code into 3D .stl files. Each white dot in the images become a box in the 3D CAD model. The cross-sectional area of the dot are similar to the area of the dot itself. Thirty participants were recruited and joined both visual experiments and tactile ones. The results showed that the subjects’ ability in discriminating the roughness patterns is slightly different from the ability in discriminating image patterns.

Keywords: discrimination; visual; tactile; markovian; CAD


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