DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP14.25
Authors: Yuko Fukase, Sawako Arai, Akira Okii, Yoshimi Suzukamo, and Toshimitsu Suga
Title: Experiences of a patient with chronic spasticity prior to using botulinum toxin (1): An analysis using the Trajectory Equifinality Model.
Introduction: In Japan, botulinum toxin (BT) injections have recently come to be used for decrease in spasticity. Although the effectiveness of this treatment has been medically confirmed, changes experienced by patients during and after BT administration have not yet been recorded.
Aims: This study elucidates an experience of a 70-year-old female patient with chronic spasticity before she received BT injections, including her motivation to receive the injection, and evaluates appropriate avenues for further support.
Methods: Semi-structured interview was conducted before administration of the first BT injection. The data obtained was analyzed using the qualitative Trajectory Equifinality Model.
Findings and discussions: Our analysis revealed the following. (1) Until know BT, receiving rehabilitation from health care workers could be increased the probability that the patient knows the BT, (2) Until the patient received the BT injections, consideration of the potential benefits of treatment may have contributed to her ability to accept her disability, (3) Immediately before first BT injection, the patient was able to be prepared by the information about after injection from health care workers. Similarly, the patient had peace of mind by the support from family.
Keywords: chronic spasticity, botulinum toxin, qualitative analysis, Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM)