DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP15.08
Authors: So Chung Oh, Dong Mi Lee, Hey In Jang, Kyung Mi Lee, Hyo Jin Wee, Hyo Jung Park, and Ju Hee Park
This study examined the influences of parenting abuse and neglect on depression in adolescents and investigated the mediating effect of peer attachment on the relations between parenting abuse/neglect and adolescents’ depression. The data were obtained from the 2012 panel third data of the Korea Children and Youth Panel survey. The participants of this study were 2,259 Korean adolescents who were third graders at middle schools. The results indicated that both parenting abuse and neglect had positive, direct impacts on adolescents’ depression. In addition, such relations were partially mediated by peer attachment. That is, both the levels of parenting abuse and neglect decreased the level of peer attachment, which in turn increased adolescents’ depression. These findings suggest that it is important to develop and provide interventions that help adolescents who experienced parental abuse and neglect establish close relationships with peers in order to prevent or reduce their depression.
Keywords: Depression; Parenting Abuse and Neglect; Peer Attachement