DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP89

Authors: Yoon Joe Park and Arim Han

Abstract: Directors` leadership style and its effect on teachers’ achievement have been researched over the recent years. However, the relation between what extent of engagement of directors' leadership and teachers` self factors remains unexplored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among childcare teaching efficacy, job stress, and the perceived director`s leadership style by teachers in the Korean daycare centers. 80 teachers participated in this study. The Questionnaires were administered to daycare centers in Seoul, Korea. “Perceived leadership style of directors” was measured by developed by Halpin(1957). This scale has 2 subscales consisting of 30 items. “Teachers’ job stress” was measured by D’Arienzo , Maracco and Krajewsk(1982). This scale is comprised of 38 items divided into 4 subscales. "Teaching efficacy" was measured by Enochs & Riggs(1990) consisting of 22 items divided into 2 subscales. Director’s Leadership style was negatively correlated to Teacher’s Job Stress(r=-.542, p<.01). Director’s Leadership style was positively correlated to Teaching Efficacy(r= .344, p<.01). Teacher’s Job Stress was negatively correlated to Teaching Efficacy(r= -.261, p<.05). Teacher’s Job Stress was influenced by Director’s Leadership style(β= -.533, p<.001) and teacher’s career(β= .248, p<.01). Teaching Efficacy was considerably affected by Director’s Leadership style(β= .342, p<.01). In sum, we could conclude that director’s leadership style had significant effects on teacher’s job stress and teaching efficacy either.


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