DOI: 10.5176/ 2251-1865_CBP13.29

Authors: Beron W. Z. Tan, BSc (Hons)., Lynne Cohen, PhD., and Julie A. Pooley, PhD.


This study examined the effects of physical activity on the attention span and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children in Singapore. Male participants (N = 12) aged 2-6 years, diagnosed with ASD were randomly assigned to either a physical activity or non-physical activity group. In the physical activity group, participants were administered 8 tri-cycling sessions; both groups of participants were measured for their attention span, and their parents completed the HRQoL questionnaires. Results indicate that as the exercise increases, the physical activity group demonstrated increasingly longer duration of attention span. These results extend the findings that physical activity enhances cognition of ASD children and support its consideration into the early intervention programs.

Keywords: Autism; early intervention; quality of life; physical activity; attention; children


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