DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP53

Authors: Stefanie Rukavina, Kerstin Limbrecht, David Hrabal, Steffen Walter and Harald C. Traue

Abstract: Sexual hormones seem to play a crucial role in our everyday life. For example, changes in well-being come along with the menstrual cycle. Furthermore other aspects like emotion recognition are also affected. Given to these menstrual cycle effects on emotional behavior we searched for the association between sexual hormones and behavior by measuring personality items of the BIS/BAS scales. Our results show, that some gender differences are cycle dependent, which explains the incongruent findings of gender differences in general. We found significant higher BIS values for women and significant higher BIS values for women in the luteal phase compared to the follicular phase.

Additionally, we found higher BAS-total and BAS-FS values for follicular women. This difference could be estrogen-progesterone-mediated. Our study proves that the influence of sexual hormones should be considered as an independent variable in every human study, even on personality levels, which are supposed to be stable.

Keywords: menstrual cycle, sexual hormones, personality, BIS/BAS


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