DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP16.43
Authors: Ahmet ALTINOK and Zeynep HAMAMCI
Abstract: This study examined the relationship between interparental conflict and young adult romantic relationship satisfaction, and it tested whether irrational relationship beliefs and problem solving style mediate this relationship in the cognitive framework. For this aim, Children’s Perceptions of Interparental Conflict Scale (Adult-Form), Problem Solving on Romantic Relationships Scale for Adolescents, Relationship Beliefs Questionnaire, Relationship Satisfaction Scale and Personal Information Form prepared by the researcher where distributed to 281 university students from different faculties of Gaziantep University. The results from structural equation modeling demonstrated that perceived marital conflict of parents was associated with romantic relationship satisfaction; problem solving style mediated this relationship, but irrational relationship beliefs was not mediate this relationship. Furthermore, it was found that there were not gender differences in structural equation modeling. The results have been discussed with regard to current research findings and some suggestions were made.
Keywords:Perceived interparental conflict, relationship satisfaction, problem solving style, irrational relationship beliefs