DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP14.72

Authors: Eunjeong Rhee


The current study investigated not only the relationship between trait anxiety, career decision-making styles, and career indecision but also the mediation effect of career decision-making styles in the relationship between trait anxiety and career indecision. Structural equation modeling was performed with a sample of 217 Korean college students. The results indicated that trait anxiety was associated with dependent career decision-making style positively, but had no association with rational and intuitive career decision making styles. Career indecision also had positive correlation with trait anxiety. In addition, intuitive and dependent career decision making styles were associated with career indecision positively, but there was no significant correlation between rational career decision-making style and career indecision. In terms of mediation effect, only dependent career decision-making style partially mediated between trait anxiety and career indecision. Finally, the implications of the findings were discussed in the context of career development and counseling program.

Keywords: career decision-making styles, trait anxiety, career indecision, college students, mediation effect


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