DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP16.27

Authors: Park, Jihye Chungbuk, Hwang, Soon-taeg and Kang, Siri

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between body dysmorphic disorder trait, plastic surgery addiction tendency and personality. Data of 303 women(ages 20-60) was used in the final analysis. The results were as follows : First, tendency of both body dysmorphic disorder and plastic surgery addiction had significant difference in age, plastic surgery intention and plastic surgery experience. Second, body dysmorphic disorder traits and plastic surgery addiction tendency showed significant positive correlation. Also third, we conducted multiple regression analysis to observe the effect of personality on body dysmorphic disorder and plastic surgery addiction. Body dysmorphic disorder traits was predicted by dependent pathology. Plastic surgery addiction tendency was predicted by narcissistic pathology. And Body dysmorphic disorder traits was predicted by neuroticism and conscientiousness of Big5. But plastic surgery addiction tendency was predicted by just neuroticism.


Keywords:body dsmorphic disorder, plastic surgery addiction, personality disorder, big 5


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