DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP18.22

Authors: Ammar Ahmed, Muhammad Aqeel, Brig(R) Dr.Tanvir Akhtar, Jaffar Abbas, Kinza Noor

Abstract:Bullying is a global concern and plays a crucial role in developing various psychological problems among adult students. The current study intended to inspect the relationship among bullying, self-esteem and psychological distress in adult students. Moreover, it examined the impact of bullying on self-esteem and psychological distress. 200 participants (Male n=92, Female n=108) were incorporated from various universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Purposive convenient sampling technique was employed based on cross-sectional design. Three instruments were employed to evaluate self- esteem, bullying and psychological adjustment in adults. Results highlighted that bullying was negatively related to self-esteem, and positively associated with psychological distress in adult students. Current study findings elaborated that bullying was negatively predicting self-esteem (r = -.296, p<.01) in adult students. It was also positively influencing psychological distress regarding anxiety (r =.234, p<.01), depression (r =.295, p<.01) and stress (r = -.226, p<.01) in adult students. This study recommends that those students who had bullying experiences were more vulnerable to develop negative self-esteem as well as psychological problems including stress, anxiety, and depression. It would also be important to understand the causes of psychological distress and to explore impeding modifiable factors pointing out towards the development of new interventions and prevention strategies for tackling this problem in adult students.


Keywords: Bullying, Self-esteem, Psychological distress


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