DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP17.18

Authors: Kanu Priya Mohan

Abstract: Education is recognized as one of the key factors driving the growth of human capital and also the development of a nation, especially in the developing world. In Thailand, the educational reforms have been a part of the national policies since 1999. In 2014, among the various reform measures a coaching and mentoring (C&M) project was initiated to support the professional development of Thai school teachers, wherein they were trained about the C&M techniques. But when what are the results of training C&M in the educational context? This research adopted a qualitative design to investigate the outcomes of the C&M training among the master trainers of the educational reform project. The learning outcomes were evaluated in three dimensions- cognitive, behavioral and affective. In-depth interviews were conducted for the eleven project participants. The data was analyzed through qualitative techniques and the main themes were identified to answer the research questions. The implications of these results are discussed further regarding the measurement of training outcomes and their effectiveness in the process of the educational change.

Keywords: training evaluation, cognitive-behavioral-affective outcomes, teachers in Thailand


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