DOI: 10.5176/2251-1865_CBP16.47
Authors: Yosun Yoon and Seungbok Lee
Abstract: This study examined the correlations between Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire(OSIVQ; Blazhenkove & Kozhevnikov, 2009) and the 5 personality types of the Big Five Theory. Participants completed a OSIVQ inventory and a big five personality inventory(the order was counterbalanced). The Verbal cognitive style has the positive correlations with the personality factor Extraversion(r=.494, p<.01) and Openess(r=252, p<.05). The Object-Imagery cognitive style has significant correlations with Conscientiousness(r=.365, p<.01), and Agreeableness(r=.252, p<.05). There was no significant relationship between the Spatial-Imagery cognitive style and personality factors. Analysing the inter dimensions of the OSIVQ, the Spatial-Imagery style and Object-Imagery style had a significant negative correlation(r=-.513, p<.01). The result of our research is contrary to those of Kosslyn & Tompson(2012), who report significant relationship between dorsal brain system (Spatial-imagery style) and conscientiousness. This study has meaning because it is the first trial to find interrelationships between the two axis of individual differences, cognitive style with OSIVQ and the Big Five personality factors.
Keywords:cognitive style, OSIVQ, personality factors, working memory