DOI: 10.5176/978-981-08-8644-8_CCV2011_20

Authors: Boon Yaik Ooi and Huah Yong Chan and Yu-N Cheah


The Dynamic Service Placement and Replication (DSPR) framework is designed to manage services on distributed environment by continuously searching for the best combination of distributed machines from a resource pool until the best working group is attained to satisfy the requirements of the service specified by the administrator. One of the core components of the DSPR framework is the resource evaluation
function. In this research, a fuzzy logic based resource evaluation technique is proposed for the DSPR framework. The proposed technique is then compared with existing resource evaluation methods such as rule-based, utility-based and constraint-based. Besides that, the ability of DSPR to increase service availability in the event of disaster is measured. The performance difference between using DSPR and conventional system with failover capability in the event of disaster was carried out. The results from both experiments are promising.

Keywords: component; dynamic service placement and replication, service availability, resource evaluation, and fuzzy logic


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