A Note on Lanczos Algorithm for Computing PageRank
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS14.15
Authors: Kazuma TERAMOTO, Takashi NODERA
A Resampling Method for Estimating the Covariance Matrix in Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Model with Interval Censored Data
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS16.10
Authors: Mostafa Karimi and Noor Akma Ibrahim
A Ring of Pythagorean Triples Over Gaussian Integers
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS24
Authors: Cheranoot Somboonkulavudi and Ajchara Harnchoowong
A Simple Graphical Procedure to Test For Parametric Restriction in Two-Part Semi- Continous Models
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS17.33
Authors: Sai K. Popuri and Nagaraj K. Neerchal
A study of logistic classifier: uniform consistency in finite-dimensional linear spaces
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS16.8
Authors: Agne Kazakeviciute and Malini Olivo
A Study on the Sensitivity of Basic Reproduction Number of an Influenza Epidemic Model
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS05
Authors: Md Samsuzzoha, Manmohan Singh and David Lucy
An ant colony algorithm to solve the container storage problem
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS14.37
Authors: Ndèye Fatma NDIAYE, Adnan YASSINE, Ibrahima DIARRASSOUBA