A Proposal for Loosely-coupled Programming Learning System for Undergraduates
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2195_CSEIT15.12
Authors: Tomokazu Hayakawa, Chika Nishikado, and Teruo Hikita
A Repository System for Open-source GIS Software Components: A General Purpose Educational Environment
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Authors: Atif Naseer, Basem Y Alkazemi and Hossam I Aldoobi
A Study of Teaching Instruction and Relationship between Critical Thinking Skill and Learning Achievement.
DOI: 10.5176/978-981-08-7466-7_itcse-27
Authors: Shatchaya Duangchant, Paiboon Kiattikomol and Sittichai Keawkuekool
A Threshold Concept Perspective for Enhancing Effectiveness of PhD Supervision in Computing Disciplines
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Authors: Farhad Daneshgar and Stephen Marshal
A Virtual Computer Lab As Learning Environment For Networking and Security Courses
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2195_CSEIT12.29
Authors: Jens Haag, Stefan Karsch, Harald Vranken, Marko van Eekelen
Adaptive Gameplay for Programming Practice
DOI: 110.5176/2251-2195_CSEIT13.22
Authors: Chris Boesch and Sandra Boesch