DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.13
Authors: Jowati binti Juhary
Abstract: This paper aims to compare and contrast classroom environments of the National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM) and the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York (West Point). As the only defense university in Malaysia, and as the first defense university in the world that awards undergraduate degrees to the graduates, the NDUM must be able to provide its students with a high quality learning environment and experience. The most important aspect of the students’ learning is the classroom interactions. The methodology used in this paper is observations of classroom characteristics including the seating arrangement and students’ interactions. It is found that the NDUM has a lot of issues to be addressed. Using the West Point example, the NDUM could benchmark the practices of West Point in preparing its classrooms in order to promote academic excellence.
Keywords: classroom learning; tertiary military institutions; National Defence University of Malaysia; West Point; Thayer System