DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.114
Authors: Kiatisak Charekot
Abstract: The purpose of the research was to develop A management Model of School-Based Curriculum for small-sized school. The research and development which participatory action research was to adaptation in this study. This will study in primary school at Amphur Mueang Udonthani Province. This research was composed of 4 following steps: (1) Fundamental Study Process: This process is the fundamental study and analysis of data concerning current conditions, problems and needs of school-based curriculum schools. The data will be collected from related documents, observations, interviews, inquiries and discussions with school directors, teachers, students and stakeholders in 4 schools. (2) Management Model Development Process: This process is the development of the management model of school-based curriculum for small-sized schools. A management model of school-based curriculum will be developed based on the analysis of data from the first process and the study of related concepts and theories. This process will be cooperated with personnel from 5 participated schools .One school is within the target group, whereas the other 4 schools may be small-sized schools or schools in other sizes. There are 5 experts who will scrutinize the model for evaluation and improvement before the implementation. (3) Model Experiment Process: This experiment process is to study the effectiveness of the management model of school-based curriculum for small-sized schools. The modelwill be experimented in the school similar to the target schoolas in the development process. (4) Model Evaluation and Improvement Process: The evaluation and improvement process is to evaluate and improve the management model of school-based curriculum. The evaluation ofmodel effectiveness will be measured during and after theimplementationfor the learning achievement, conclusion and improvement of the model.
Keywords: Management Model, School - Based Curriculum Development,Small sized School,