DOI: 10.5716/2251-1814_EeL41

Authors: Hsiang-jen Meng, Tsu-yin Wang


The integration of interactive whiteboards into the classroom has been promoted as a key step in bridging the ICT age. The reason that interactive whiteboard enables students to access up-to-date information via interactive learning environment. This study was to investigate the perception of teachers regarding the impact of interactive whiteboards initiative. The technology acceptance model was used as the theoretical framework but self-regulated learning was added as a possible moderating factor. Data analysis was applied by SEM technique. The conclusions were: (1) there are highly recognitions on the perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU);(2) there is a strong behavior intention (BI) to use IWBs; (3) there are positive relationship between PEU, PU, and BI; (4) BI has a direct impact on the actual use (AU); (5) the strategy of self-regulated learning was found to moderate the relationship between BI and AU.

Keywords:interactive whiteboar; technology acceptance model; sel-regulation learningl;


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