DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.59

Authors: Dr. Taghreed Tawfiq Abu-Hamdan, Dr. Fakhri Rasheed Khader


The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to investigate the alignment of the course intended learning outcomes with Quellmalz Taxonomy; and (2) to investigate the alignment of the course intended learning outcomes with assessment practices in early childhood education courses.
Data have been gathered from different sources for the purpose of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data consisted of overall course outcomes, all formal assessment papers used in the mid-term, final – term assessment and in – depth interviews with the instructors who teach the 8 randomly selected childhood education courses.
The results of the study have showed a poor reflection of Quellmalz Taxonomy in the learning outcomes and weak alignment between the intended learning outcomes and the assessment practices of the sample courses used at the end of the semester. A list of recommendations has been suggested to improve the alignment of intended learning outcomes with Quellmalz Taxonomy and assessment practices.

Keywords: Alignment, intended learning outcomes, Quellmalz Taxonomy, Assessment Practices, Early Childhood Education


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