DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.54

Authors: Kipli Joan Minol, Yoshifumi Chisaki and Tsuyoshi Usagawa

Prior to the implementation of an e-Learning system in any learning, training or commercial institution, user readiness is an essential step in ensuring users can comfortably and competently use the system. In developing countries like Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, open and distance learners are faced with unique challenges as the University of Papua New Guinea Open College plans to implement an e-Learning system suitable for them. This study attempts to identify some of these challenges and assess students’ e-Learning readiness based on their qualifications or levels of study. Variables that are considered are students’ ages, experience with Information and Communication Technology tools, computer literacy and knowledge of the Internet. The status of students’ e-Learning Readiness is also discussed and conclusions made with reference to the Technology Acceptance Model. Finally, recommendations for policy makers and academics are offered with respect to the findings of this study with hopes that relevant actions are taken to improve students’ e-Learning readiness.

Keywords: e-Learning, Readiness, University of Papua New Guinea Open College, Open and Distance Learning, Technology Acceptance Model


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