DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.68

Authors: Sjaefullah A ,Yubiliana G, Wardhani R, Firman D, Siswanto SY, Koeryaman MT

Abstract: Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) and
Indonesia Higher Education Network (Inherent) partnership
purpose was to connect, share and learn across geographical
border in timely and cost effective manner. Universitas
Padjadjaran as one of the state university in Indonesia, in this
project was able to participate those purpose by developing and
implementing a blended learning method for dental health
education subject for three dental school in West Java Province.
Method in this model in sequence were divided to 1) development
phase, 2) lecturing (enhanced with podcast), lab activity, 3)
Online collaborative discussion 4) Fieldwork, and 5) Assessment.
Blended learning as a method in dental health education,
specifically for preparing fieldwork project on primary school
were planned to be a more efficient than the conventional
method. Time efficiency was already achieved by this method,
because the face to face time could be reduce, only for the
cognitive knowledge area and collaborative discussion session.
Furthermore, this subject's learning objective was the student
must be able to perform dental health examination and
education, which means it's on the level of affective and
psychomotor knowledge skill area. For that purpose, the face to
face method was needed.

Keywords: component; dental health education, fieldwork,
blended learning, project based online collaborative discussion.


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