DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.107

Authors: Prof. Preeti Oza, Mr. Arun Raste

Abstract: India, the second most populated country, is amongst the fastest growing global economies. She is multilingual with 15 official languages and a national language. Being an erstwhile British colony, the modern business tends to adapt British and American practices. English occupies a significant position and business communication follows the Western pattern . About 40{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465} of Indian population is poor and over 50{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465} of them is youth,. They don’t get enough education resulting in consequent shortage of employment opportunities. The fast growing human intensives services sector, has the potential to address the employment problem, as it needs people with business communication skills. This paper evaluates and explores various skills training programs based on business change, English communication and soft skills, which are influencing socio-economic and cultural aspects to make significant impact on the Indian society.


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