DOI: 10.5716/2251-1814_EeL51

Authors: Sveta Mayer, Graham Cotgreave, Mats Rosenkvist, Vilborg Einarsdóttir, Paul Osborne


An exploration into two different approaches used by teachers to personalise teaching and learning within their classroom and schools is presented in this paper. The first approach involves a process of collaborative work-based action research and the second involves collaborative use of a computer-aided on-line assessment for learning tool. Both approaches are exemplified by purposive selection of case studies where teachers utilise assessment for learning in order to personalise teaching and learning and raise outcomes for pupils. In this paper we draw upon findings from this exploration to inform and validate the conceptualisation and design of an integrative model for a collaborative blended e-learning environment within which teachers and pupils are engaging in reciprocal learning.

Keywords: e-learning, action research, assessment for learning, collaborative inquiry communities


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