DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL18.128
Authors: Robertson, DN and Dasoo, N.
Abstract: Technology is advancing all around us but the use of mobile devices by university students for learning remains limited. The aim of this investigation was to probe whether tutors from the Education Faculty at the University of Johannesburg would be able to, with the necessary guidance (from lecturers or senior tutors), introduce mobile learning within tutorials, more effectively. Secondary goals were to determine whether tutors could encourage the increased use of mobile devices for education during and after formal tutoring sessions, and to find out what student opinions on m-learning implementation would be. Our conclusions suggest that tutors can be the catalyst for prompting students to use their devices for academic purposes. Generally, a lot of time is wasted on social media and students seem to be easily distracted by their devices during lectures and tutorials. Our research shows that students are open to the inclusion of mobile learning as part of their tutorial experience and that these devices can be used to encourage academic discussions to continue online outside of the normal tutorial setting. Mobile learning in education can make learning personal, portable and fun if the devices are included in an innovative and creative manner during tutorials.
Keywords: mobile learning, mobile devices, tutorials, tutoring, tutors