DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.123

Authors: Amal Al-Gallaf, Aneta Hayes

Abstract: This article examines the benefits of technology-assisted project-based learning on students’ attitudinal change towards subjects that might be perceived negatively by undergraduates majoring in areas different than social studies. The authors also explain the development and validation of a descriptive mixed-methods instrument (Cronbach’s α = 0.882) that could be used by other course developers as a self-reporting tool to measure the perceived benefits of technology-assisted project-based learning. The results suggest a considerable impact of multimedia-supported project based learning on students’ improved attitude to study. They also show significant gains in the acquisition of ICT and collaboration skills, as well as a considerable growth in students’ understanding of the subject matter. The validity and factorial reliability of the questionnaire scale is also demonstrated and the development and validation of the instrument are described. Future work in relation to project-based learning and multimedia use in education is indicated.

Keywords: Multimedia design, Project-Based Learning, Mixed-Methods, History of Bahrain, Local Modules


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