DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.39
Authors: Sana Baig
The Research paper aims at emphasizing the “Multimediality” in English Language classroom in order to break the wall of traditional classroom culture. This area is significant in itself in order to make classroom more constructive, entertaining as well as thought provoking and reflective by an innovative and creative mentor. By incorporating multimedia in classroom, an instructor can enthuse creativity. Though, the use of technology, many aims, learning goals and outcomes can be accomplished. There is still a dire need to model social learning with technology, and for a paradigm shift in teaching from “traditional methods” to “Multimedaility” with the help of contemporary ELT approaches like constructivism and social constructivism. At the end, some recommendations are made for the provision and implementation of multimediality in teaching practice.
Keywords: ELT, Multimediality, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Distance Learning Programme