DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL17.50
Authors: Yang Haiyan Gao Shuguo
Rural education is a kind of human social activity in rural areas, transmitting general and regional experience in production and life for a variety of people within the regions, inheriting human civilization and rural culture, promoting the transformation of rural society and the coordinated development of diversified industries in rural areas, and cultivating people with modern productive and living ability as well as continuous learning ability. Rural education in our country has four characteristics, namely rurality, diversity, pluralism and autonomy. There are mainly four types of development models: population mobility model, government-led model, culturallyendogenous model and industrial agglomeration model. In the future, the scale and structure of rural education will present the following development trends: before 2030, the pace of education urbanization will be further accelerated; urban and rural education will enter a balanced development period in 2025; education counter-urbanization will appear in China in 2030.
Keywords: Transformation of rural society; Rural education; Education urbanization