DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.56
Authors: Jenny RatnaSuminar; YantiRubiyanti; Betty Natalie, Dani R Firman
Abstract: The development of information technology has been growing rapidly, thus change thecommunity paradigm in findingandgettinginformation.The enhancement of required information of technology and communication occur in education sector, including in Universitas Padjadjaran. Since2003 Universitas Padjadjaran has been initiating the implementation of e-Learning as online learning method. More than 149 lecturers attended LMS Moodle training with 296 online coursesin the period of 2010-2011.Online courses do noteliminate thelecturing process in the class,becauseface-to-faceis still required to getimmediate feedback and human relationwhich is difficult to be obtainedby usingmediasuch as internet. Hence, blended learning is the mosti deal method.
Keywords: LMS Moodle, Blended Learning