DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.42

Authors: Eunice TANG

A re-engineering on General Education programme has been carried out to improve the teaching and learning environment for some 3,000 university students at a comprehensive university in Hong Kong. New technologies have been introduced to provide a flexible and interactive environment to support teaching and active learning. A blog-based eLearning platform, a mobile app, and an online learning community have been trialed. In this presentation, the developmental process of incorporating eLearning components in courses which characterize by large class size, interdisciplinary, and short meeting time will be presented. Surveys and interviews were conducted at different stages with teaching staff and students to collect feedback of the new initiatives. A mixed response was received from students and teachers on the different e-components. Problems and implications for adopting new technologies in General Education programme in higher education will be critically evaluated.

Keywords: blog-based eLearning platform, General Education, mobile app, online learning community, higher education


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