DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.30
Authors: Johan Eddy Luaran and Nur Alyani Bt Khairol Anuar
Technology has become important and marks its existence in almost everyone lives. With the rapid changes in the world of technologies and the enhanced use of ICT in our everyday lives, it is not surprising when the use of ICT in education has captured the attention of the educators and the world. Previous studies have shown that ICT bring positive effects on the students’ achievement. Lots of studies have their focus on the ICT integration in the education of students from rural community. But limited studies are found on the ICT in the education of indigenous students. This study intended to fill in the gap by focusing on the view of indigenous students toward the importance of ICT in learning English. Indigenous students from three districts in Pahang state of Malaysia were involved consist of 94 students. Quantitative approach were employed with questionnaires were used as an instrument. Findings revealed that indigenous students have low ICT competence but they have shown positive attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning. It is also shown that the level of ICT use in classroom is still low and surprisingly most of them preferred to have Internet-related activities in learning English.
Keywords: ICT, Teaching and Learning, Indigenous students, Learning English