DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.72

Authors: Joy Kutaka-Kennedy
Sung Park

Abstract: This pilot study investigates (a) the use of a computer-assisted instruction (CAI), using the iPad, for teaching word recognition skills, (b) to what extent the presence of the teacher’s verbalizing face, defined as an articulating face, within the iPad CAI facilitates the learning of word recognition skills to middle school students with autism spectrum disorder and (c) to what extent do these students generalize their learned word recognition skills outside of the learning program within the iPad CAI to other classroom activities. Through a structured prompting procedure within teacher-designed iPad-based lessons, up to three students will learn to recognize four words selected individually based on each student’s preferences. A two-week iPad CAI intervention that does not utilize the teacher’s articulating face will be followed by a two-week iPad CAI intervention that does use the presence of the teacher’s face. Retention of word recognition skills will be tested for two weeks after each intervention period. Students’ word recognition skills will be compared from before and after each intervention period. The learning measures between the two interventions will be analyzed for differences pertaining to the presence of the articulating face, and the students will also be tested for generalization of learning into the classroom following each intervention. Implications will be discussed.


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