DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.44

Authors: Zeeshan Rasool, Andrew Bimba, Nurul F. Mohd Noor, Hannyzzura Affal, Mohd Nizam Ayub, Nornazlita Husin


The propose system is an adaptive learning environment for problem solving through creating visualization as a verification of understanding in Physic problems. The common problem among students is they have difficulty to understand the schemata and principles of Physics which hidden behind those formulas. This system uses visualization to highlight and explicit these schemata. The fundamental principles underlying the system’s design is based on Polya’s problem solving model: (1) understand the problem, (2) devise a plan (3) executing the plan, (4) reviewing the solution. Executing the plan by creating visualization in step 3 allows students to review and verify their solution. The pilot study has been conducted and the result shows that the propose system is a feasible tool in helping and understanding the physics problems. This paper gives an overview of the system, focusing on the design, architecture, the work flow of the system and the pilot study.

Keywords: problem solving, dynamic visualization, teaching/learning strategies


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