DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.06

Authors: Salvio, Kristen Bhing V. and Hidalgo, Reynald Jay F

This study was conducted to design, develop and test a Course Management System for Pangasinan State University.

Specifically, it determined the difficulties encountered by faculty in access and distribution of course materials; determine the requirements in the deployment of the Course Management System in terms of hardware requirement and software requirement; determined system features that comprised the Course Management System based on the difficulties encountered by faculty and students; to be able to test the acceptability of the developed Course Management System. Further, the study was conducted using research and development design. The Agile SDLC methodology was employed in the development of the Course Management System. To determine the requirements and features of the project, interviews, observation and collaborative work and prototyping were done.

Based on the findings, it was found out that the traditional way of distribution and access of course materials is difficult to manage. With the developed system, effective and efficient course management system is made possible. Everything was customized and can be used by institutions offering information and communications technology program promoting less face-to-face class discussion. Course management system aimed to provide secure and easy access to course materials. Everything you used to do in a typical classroom can be done in real-time response, more efficient and accurate outcomes – using the Course Management System.

Keywords: e-learning, course management system, learning management system,
classroom management


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