DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.104
Authors: Ng Kim-Soon, Muhudin Ahmed Moahamud
Abstract: Adoption of technologies is crucial in keeping pace with student information needs and expectations. At UTHM, students are able to access internet freely for e-services. Among the e-service tools and sources available at UTHM include online data base, e-journals, web-mails, search engines, system for lodging complaints and suggestions, e-evaluations etc. Literature reviews indicate that there is room for investigation into how the quality performance of e-service supporting learning is related to student’s frequency of use from the various sources of e-service. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate what are the levels of quality performance of e-service and student’s frequency of use of the service in this University, and is there a relationship between them. Data from a total of 210 students were collected by questionnaire survey through structured random sampling method and it was analyzed statistically using the SPSS package. The dimensions for frequency of use of e-service are from learning and research, administration, coordination, evaluation and contents storage tools and sources. This research work has developed a single dimension with six elements measure for measuring the quality performance of e-service in education sector respectively to measure learning, research and communication supports. It was found that the levels of quality performance of e-service supporting learning and research areas, and the frequency of use from the e-service sources for coordination are very good. The levels of quality performance of e-service supporting communication and the frequency of use from the e-service sources and tools for learning and research, administration, contents storage and evaluation are all rated good. This study has also found that there are relationships between them.
Keywords: e-service; Internet; e-learning; learning; frequency of use; quality; education