DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.48

Authors: Meral Çapar


Writing is one of the prevailing forms of communication. Many people have difficulty in composing a text even experienced writers. Writers spend a lot of time planning what and how they will compose. They preplan, revise and rewrite again. While this is a complex process for expert writers, for learners it can be even more difficult. Students need to develop their writing skills because they are expected to compose texts for their literacy courses, write reports or summaries. Therefore, teaching writing becomes significant in educational context.
Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) can be one of the solutions to teach EFL students how to go through the wrting process and produce well-organized texts. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out the attitudes of 20 EFL students regarding the self-regulated strategy development process while learbing how to write in English. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire and the analysis was carried out with the qualitative research program NVivo 10. Also, the pre and post tests were be compared to find out whether the SRSD has a positive effect on student papers.The study showed that EFL learners need more help in producing well-organized texts and SRSD can be one way of solution.

Keywords: Self-regulated strategy development, Teaching writing, EFL


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