DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.14

Authors: Vimala Balakrishnan, Huck-Soo Loo

Abstract: This paper investigated the factors that might affect the use of social networks in e-learning, particularly targeting the use of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The study was based on Push-Pull-Mooring framework. Questionnaires were distributed to students and academicians in local universities, resulting in a total of 455 respondents. The study found five significant predictors in using social networks in e-learning, that is, E-learning Perception, Convenience, Academic Reasons, Ease of Use and Social Networking. These factors were then incorporated into a working prototype and tested by some students and academicians. Results indicate they were satisfied with the overall features of the prototype. It is believed that such a prototype can be successfully used in e-learning to enhance communication and collaboration among students and academicians.

Keywords: social networks; e-learning; student-academician; push-pull-mooring;


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